sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2007

USB pedometer logs your steps on the cheap

If you've somehow managed to avoid buying a gizmo with some sort of pedometer built in, the simply-titled USB Pedometer could be the device that finally gets you jazzed about walking. The target-styled unit can be rocked proudly (or not) on one's belt, displays steps taken to 999,999, keeps a log of up to three days of step data, and allows you to upload your information to your Windows-based PC in order to chart your progress. Best of all, this motivator will only set you back $16.99.

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2007

Software ajuda a treinar atletas profissionais

13/09/2007 - 09h11,,MUL103567-6174,00.html

Projeto no Reino Unido quer aumentar performance de atletas com respostas rápidas.
Dados de câmeras e sensores corporais serão integrados e enviados ao treinador.

Um projeto realizado no Reino unido está desenvolvendo tecnologias de vídeos inovadores e sensores corporais desenhados para ajudar nos treinos de novos e veteranos atletas. O objetivo é combinar essas tecnologias em um sistema computacional único e integrado, aumentando substancialmente a quantidade e variedade de dados disponíveis durante as seções de treinamento.

Segundo seus idealizadores, o SESAME (Sensibilidade para Esportes e Exercícios Gerenciados, em inglês) tem o potencial de aumentar significantemente as perspectivas futuras de medalhas para o Reino Unido em esportes como corrida de velocidade, salto em distância e salto com vara, por exemplo.

“Muitos esportes dependem da técnica correta para otimizar a performance do atleta e reduzir os riscos de acidentes”, afirma o médico Robert Harle, da Universidade de Cambridge. “Desse modo, há um alto valor em desenvolver tecnologias que podem ajudar no processo de treinamento ao dar respostas quase instantâneas em relação à técnica do atleta”.

O sistema de análise e gravação de dados da novidade irá aumentar de maneira significativa a quantidade de informações úteis disponíveis para o técnico. Serão produzidas imagens simultâneas de múltiplas câmeras de vídeo localizadas em diferentes posições, capazes de rastrear de maneira autônoma o movimento de um atleta e transmitir imagens ao treinador quase no mesmo instante.

O sistema irá demandar uma inovação técnica que nenhum sistema vídeo atualmente disponível pode trabalhar, de maneira financeiramente viável, com essa quantidade e variedade de dados.

Além disso, o projeto está desenvolvendo sensores corporais com pequenos eletrônicos que exploram recentes avanços na tecnologia de transmissão de dados sem fio para coletar dados de diversos movimentos sutis do corpo do atleta. Esses dados serão enviados diretamente para o treinador e sincronizados com os vídeos. O objetivo do sistema é identificar as maneiras mais otimizadas de realizar o movimento, passando essa informação sincronizada para o treinador.


Crucialmente, o novo sistema irá permitir que o treinador dê ao atleta respostas imediatas relacionadas ao seu desempenho e conselhos para melhorá-lo, sem interrupções no treino.

Alcançar todos os objetivos do projeto requer especialistas de campos multidisciplinares, da ciência da computação e engenharia à biomecânica e medicina. Um consórcio foi montado para a tarefa, incluindo a University College London, a Royal Veterinary College, a University of Wales Institute e Cambridge. A previsão é de que o sistema esteja disponível em três anos.

“Nossa meta é utilizar tecnologia para ajudar os treinadores, não substituí-los”, afirma Harle. “Um aspecto essencial da novidade é escutar os técnicos e entender suas necessidades. Eles podem garantir que a tecnologia desenvolvida tenha um impacto real nas conquistas dos atletas no futuro”.

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007

Get Smarter with More Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for us, and the New York Times reports that exercise can make your brain process information faster and more efficiently:

Scientists have been finding more evidence that the human brain is not only capable of renewing itself but that exercise speeds the process. "We've always known that our brains control our behavior," Gage says, "but not that our behavior could control and change the structure of our brains."

If this isn't a good enough reason to get on that damn treadmill tomorrow morning, I don't know what is. Personally, I know my brain definitely is more "alert" when I get regular exercise; I'm able to think better with less brain fog. How has your brain benefited from exercise? Let's hear in the comments.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

DIY pervasive health monitor keeps tabs on your vitals

If you think your heart rate-monitoring wristwatch is hot stuff, a homegrown creation from the Berkeley Institute of Design is apt to put that to shame. Dubbed the pervasive health monitoring system, this project involves a TI microcontroller, a Bluetooth interface, audio amplifier, and a trio of low power "instrumentation amplifiers," which creates an apparatus that can communicate wirelessly with your Windows Mobile-based handset (and PC, too). The device is rigged up to record ECG (heart rhythms), EMG (muscle tension), GSR (skin resistance), body temperature and movement information, and while we could certainly attempt to transcribe the creator, why not take a look at the informative video posted after the jump for all the data you could ever desire about this (admittedly fresh) invention.

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2007

Top 9 Fitness Myths -- Busted!

WebMD has rounded up a few common fitness myths and soundly debunked all of them. The one that got me thinking was this, mostly because I'm not sure I agree:

Fitness Myth No. 1: Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your knees than running on asphalt or pavement. Running is a great workout, but it can impact the knees -- and since it's the force of your body weight on your joints that causes the stress, it's the same whether you're on a treadmill or on asphalt," says Todd Schlifstein, DO, a clinical instructor at New York University Medical Center's Rusk Institute.

This is why I bought a treadmill, and now I learn it's not necessarily true? Dang it! All these myths are worth a read, if for nothing else it gives you an idea of what you might need to change in order to make your exercise more effective.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2007

8 easy things you can do to lose fat

As I discussed this in my (upcoming) manifesto: “geek living”, here are direct steps you can take to get leaner quickly.

Drop sodas forever
Sodas are the enemy number one of this society. Drop it and your GI will get lower instantly. This will change the direction your body is taking and will reduce the amount of food converted to fat. If you are addicted to soda or have cravings, make sure you have only one in the morning, and once every two days. Gradually drop to once a week until you are happy without them. They are the pest of our century and are the main reason of people looking unhealthy.

Drop fast-food forever
Fast food are bloody expensive! They are the typical solution to an unorganized geek. Get organized at your next shopping day and make sure you don’t need it anymore. If you really like the taste and are addicted. Make sure you get what you like once a week only, and at lunch! That way, your addiction will fade away softly.

Drop sugary food to only once a week
Cakes, chocolate bars and such are also raising your GI and making your flubber shine. Don’t cut them off entirely of your life. For starters, it’s nearly impossible to do, second you will find that once a week is just enough!

Drop carbs at dinner
Carbs are easily put to use by the body during the day. At night, they sit in your stomach and as you go asleep they will be more likely to be converted to fat. Carbs are converted to energy, which is used in your daily life. Unlike models, don’t drop carbs entirely or you will have serious issues at 50. Instead, reduce the carbs intake at dinner, as it won’t sit in your stomach all night. Carbs include pasta, potatoes, rice and bread. Also check the labels of whatever you’re eating at dinner to find out how much carbs it contains.

Eat dinner earlier
This simple fact will allow you to digest better, and sleep better. If your body is able to process dinner before bed time, much less will sit there all night and turn into fat.

Get physically active twice a week
Sport is good. Any sport. From boxing to table-tennis. It makes you move, and that’s good for you. We live in a society that doesn’t make good use of our bodies. We’ve never moved so little. We travel by sitting, we work by sitting, we relax by sitting. This is just bad and it’s only getting worse. Find what you like and get involved.

Sleep more
In our fast paced life, sleep is a very underestimated asset. Good sleep makes you more focussed. It also helps the body recover and then get to work on itself. It takes about 7-8 hours for the body to recover, then after that it only starts to build and focus on what needs improvement. You can’t really get any better if you don’t sleep properly. Why do you think that babies sleep so much?

Increase protein intake
Imagine a balance. To lose weight or get leaner, you will need to raise the amount of protein intake. It’s a very simple ratio: more protein than carbs in a day, and you get leaner. As bloody simple as it sounds. However, this is a hard task as carbs are everywhere, but decent intakes of protein are rare.

Finally: WHY should you bother?

Well it’s really simple. By looking better, you also get more lovable. People like someone who looks good. You can fight society or choose to be come a part of it. Your body is this interface that you carry around and it represents YOU. Whatever you do, it’s you. It’s time to take a hard look in the mirror and face the fact that you need to be living in society as a part of it. A leaner body will also increase your confidence and therefor your chances of success in whatever you’re trying to achieve. And finally, you will feel better.

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2007

Health: Prevent disease with these 6 superfoods

Web site RedOrbit lists 6 foods you should incorporate in your diet in heavy rotation, each of which (aside from being healthy in the general sense) are disease fighting maniacs. The list boils down to broccoli, pumpkin, blueberries, fish, spinach, and tomatoes. You already knew you should be eating more fruit and veggies for your health anyway, but these 6 superfoods' potential disease-fighting side effects offer even more reasons. On an entirely more trivial note, check out these 5 foods to prevent bad breath. Photo by joshuatargownik.

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2007

147 Tiny Tips to Live Healthier, Happier, Greener and Better

The Frugalist, a blog about living cheaply, has compiled a list of 147 tips for living a more frugal life. At first glance, these tips might not all be money-saving methods; however, each one can also save you money, stress, or heartache..which is another way to live within your means.

My favorites? Delegate tasks (saves you time), cook ahead (saves money), and make use of free community resources (saves time and money). What's your favorite tip for living within your means? Thoughts in the comments.

Anyone who has picked the wrong running or walking shoes for their feet knows that it's not an experience you want to repeat. eHow has a good article on how pick the right shoe for your unique foot and running style.

It's not enough to just choose the one that looks the coolest; your entire body is affected by how good or bad your shoes are. This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to get the most expensive pair, either. What's your best tip for picking out the best running or walking shoes for your feet? Please share in the comments.

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2007

Garrafas de hidratação

If your exercise regime has you drinking a combination of liquids like Gatorade and water, Powerade and Red Bull, or the old G&T, the Swigz Dual-Chamber sports bottle can keep both liquids separate.

The two chambers are intertwined so keep the "bottleish" feel intact, and has two heads up top so you can drink without getting backwash into the other chamber. Or, if your date's feeling a bit germ-conscious, you can put the same liquid in both containers and share. Just try to remember which one you roofied