segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

Quem bebe café vive mais

Quem bebe café vive mais:

Milhões de pessoas começam a manhã tomando café, e um novo estudo médico sugere que ele pode ajudar você a viver mais – se você beber o bastante.
O estudo de larga escala, publicado no New England Journal of Medicine, mostrou que homens que bebem seis xícaras de café ou mais por dia tinham 10% menos chance de morrer durante os 14 anos do estudo. Mulheres que bebiam seis xícaras ou mais por dia tinham 15% menos chance de morrer no mesmo período. O resultado, obviamente, é: quem bebe café vive mais.
Os pesquisadores também mostraram que o efeito é visto em praticamente qualquer causa de morte, como doenças do coração, do pulmão, diabetes, derrame e infecções. O efeito, no entanto, parece cair se o consumo for pequeno – uma xícara de café tem efeito desprezível.
Dr. Neal Freedman, um dos pesquisadores do Instituto Nacional de Câncer do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos dos EUA, explica:
O café contém mais de 1.000 componentes que podem afetar as chances de morrer. O componente mais estudado é a cafeína, mas associações semelhantes entre café normal e descafeinado tanto neste como em um estudo anterior sugerem que, se a relação entre consumo de café e mortalidade for causal, outros componentes no café – por exemplo, antioxidantes, incluindo polifenóis – podem ser importantes.
Tudo isto significa que, se alguém disser que você está tomando café demais, sua réplica já estará pronta. [NEJM via The Telegraph]
Foto por pick/Shutterstock

terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012

Stay Awake When You're Tired with a Little Acupressure (and Other Techniques) [Body Hacks]

Stay Awake When You're Tired with a Little Acupressure (and Other Techniques) [Body Hacks]:
Keeping yourself awake after a bad night of sleep or after a long day at work can be tough. Instead of resorting to excessive amounts of caffeine, illustrator and blogger Yumi Sakugawa has put together an infographic with a bunch of clever ways to keep yourself awake including a few handy acupressure techniques. More »

A 20-Minute Daily Exercise Plan for People Too Busy to Work Out [Video]

A 20-Minute Daily Exercise Plan for People Too Busy to Work Out [Video]:
You lead busy a life, and finding time to stay healthy is tough. Fortunately, all you need is 20 minutes of exercise per day to get fit. If you don't have the time to go to the gym every day, here's how you can get in shape quickly from just about anywhere—little-to-no equipment required. More »

With the Right Foods, Staying Full While Dieting Is Easier Than You Think [Health]

With the Right Foods, Staying Full While Dieting Is Easier Than You Think [Health]:
If you're trying to watch what you eat, or your doctor's put you on a diet, you know what it's like to struggle with gnawing hunger even though you're all out of calories for the day. Sure, chugging a few glasses of water and going to bed may help keep you from raiding the fridge before the sun comes up, but being hungry still sucks. Thankfully, the blog Syatt Fitness has a great list of foods you can eat and enjoy even if you're counting calories. More »

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012


Know Your Body’s Quick-Cooling Spots

You've probably heard that you can pour water over your wrists or neck to cool off quickly, but we've got the lowdown on all the body's best cooling spots, as well as the most effective ways to use them.
Original diagram by RexxS.

Get Acquainted With Your Body's Pulse Points

The reason this remedy works is because your wrist and neck both contain pulse points—essentially, areas where you can feel your pulse because your blood vessels are close to the surface of your skin. Because they are so close, however, you can also cool off your blood and body temperature by getting the area in contact with cool water.
However, your neck and wrists are not the only pulse points on your body (though your neck is arguably one of the most effective). The insides of your elbows and knees are two other common pressure points, as well as the tops of your feet and insides of your ankle (near the area where your ankle bone sticks out). There's also a pulse point on your inner thighs. And, while the forehead is commonly used as a cooling spot, the pulse point on your head is actually closer to your temple and the area just in front of your ear. There are a few more, of course, but these are the most convenient for the purpose of cooling yourself.

Adjust Your Cooling Method to Your Activity

Obviously, not all of these pulse points are going to be convenient to cool down all the time. There are a number of different ways you can go about cooling them down, and you'll need to use the ones most convenient to you at the time. For example, if you're out exercising in the heat, wrapping a damp bandanna (or better yet, a specialized homemade cooling scarf) around your wrist, elbow, or neck (when you can) is an easy way to keep cool.
If you're just sitting on the couch in a hot box of an apartment, though, you'll be able to take advantage of your feet, ankles, knees, or thighs in addition to the others. If you're not moving around, you can use the other popular method of using ice cubes wrapped in a cloth, rather than just a wet bandanna. Some recommend putting the towel-wrapped ice on your pulse points for a minute at a time, but there isn't a ton of consensus on the subject—just do what feels comfortable for you, and make sure it's "cool" and not cold. Don't use just ice; make sure it's wrapped in a towel or something similar (the same rules apply to the water-soaked scarf as well; cool, not cold).
Keep in mind this isn't necessarily the end-all, be-all of cooling techniques. Attacking your pulse points should cool you off slightly (depending on your situation), but don't expect it to be a 100 percent cure for the heat. Make sure you're still doing everything you can to keep cool, like running your air conditioner if you can, finding a comfortable, air-conditioned space, trying alternatives to air conditionersgenerating less heat in your living space, and, of course, staying hydrated and out of the hot, beating sun.

Fitocracy Unveils Player-Versus-Player Battles for All Of Your Competitive Exercise Needs [Fitness]

Fitocracy Unveils Player-Versus-Player Battles for All Of Your Competitive Exercise Needs [Fitness]:
Fitness tracking site Fitocracy is a great webapp to track your fitness, log how many calories you burn every day, get help and motivation from others, and even turn getting in shape into a game that we love to play (and and so do you), but for some of us compeittion is a stronger motivator than collaboration. For those people (and everyone else looking to make exercise that much more fun), Fitocracy has added player-versus-player (PVP) challenges so you can battle out who can do the most push-ups or burn the most calories with friends. More »

domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

Nike quer atletas voando baixo nas Olimpíadas com este novo traje esportivo

Nike quer atletas voando baixo nas Olimpíadas com este novo traje esportivo:
O traje Nike Pro TurboSpeed
Usain Bolt é a arma não-tão-secreta da Jamaica para quebrar recordes de atletismo. Mas para os Jogos Olímpicos deste ano, a Nike preparou sua própria arma secreta: uma roupa esportiva com covinhas, assim como bolas de golfe, que pode ajudar atletas de outros países a ir atrás de Bolt – e ultrapassá-lo.
O traje Pro TurboSpeed, pelo nome, não deixa dúvida sobre o que ele pretende trazer: mais velocidade. Inspirando-se no que é um dos esportes mais preguiçosos do mundo, o golfe, este traje é coberto em centenas de pequenas covinhas, criadas para reduzir o arrasto aerodinâmico. E depois de mil horas de testes em um túnel de vento, a Nike diz que ele consegue reduzir o tempo de corrida 100m em até 0,23 segundo, comparado aos trajes anteriores da empresa. Esta é a diferença entre um recorde mundial, uma medalha, ou apenas nenhuma classificação.
Os trajes com textura também foram feitos para serem bem confortáveis e não limitar o desempenho do atleta. Eles foram criados com tecidos mais leves, e contam com elásticos e acabamentos de borda na parte externa, para não haver fricção contra a pele.
Há quem diga que tais eventos esportivos deveriam se tratar apenas da capacidade dos atletas, não das roupas altamente especializadas que eles usam. Mas enquanto a corrida de 100m com atletas nus não for reconhecida como esporte oficial, eles vão precisar vestir alguma coisa. Então por que não tornar a roupa o menor obstáculo possível? [Nike via FastCo Design]
O traje Nike Pro TurboSpeed